Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ubuntu mouse issues

Just in case someone else runs across this issue:
From time to time, the mouse on my Ubuntu box (server 10.04 LTS lucid) running Gnome, the Xserver sometimes decides that the mouse needs to always be moving toward the top, bottom, left, or right of the screen. It appears to to stuck there. You can move it away, but it quickly moves back to the edge of the screen along one of these axes. However, this can be fixed without restarting Xorg:

$ sudo -s
$ modprobe -r usbhid; modprobe usbhid

This just removes and re-enables the kernel module that handles human interaction devices via USB. Don't try to type the modprobe commands as 2 lines -- this likely won't be possible since no USB input devices (read: your keyboard) won't work.

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